1.All the way, darkness engulfs the daytime, wave sinks the boat, trivialism conquers the ardour.
2.There was something in the clear, pine-scented air of that winter morning that seemed to bring him back to his joyousness and his ardour for life.
1.His face was flushed, his eyes bright with ardour and indignation.
2.Poirot restrained my ardour with a light touch upon the arm.
3.It has beauty and worth; it alone can properly reward the ardours of the chase.
4." Surely no" ! said Miss Lavish, her ardour visibly decreasing.
5.The secret ardour which he refers to is my plan of making my fortune.
6.Was it the ardour of Werther's passionate embraces that she felt within her bosom?
7.In a few days Julien surrendered himself with all the ardour of his age, and was desperately in love.
8.In her embrace, her voice, in the sudden grip of joy, there was tenderness, affection, and ardour.
在的怀抱里, 在的声音里, 在突然的喜悦中, 有温柔,有感情,有热情。机翻
9.It came with all the ardour which was the accumulation of long years behind a natural reserve.
10.But it was on the silk department especially that the customers had flung themselves with the greatest ardour.
11.There he perceives the apostles of renunciation, and he brings to renunciation the same ardour that he brought to life.
在那里,他看到了放弃的使徒, 他把同样的热情带入了放弃, 就像他赋予生命的热情一样。机翻
12.The ardour of his sighs melted her heart, and She soon consented to make him the happiest of Mankind.
他热情的叹息融化了的心, 就同意让他成为人类中最幸福的人。机翻
13.It was the misery of her own condition that showed forth, hitherto obscured by her ardour for ameliorating his.
表现出来的是自己状况的痛苦, 迄今为止,对改善他的状况的热情掩盖了这一点。机翻
14.By Ovid it is known with what ardour the satyrs pursue the nymphs; that gentleman had read the 'Metamorphoses'.
奥维德(Ovid)知道色狼追逐若虫的热情。 那位先生读过《变形记》。机翻
15.Why is the ardour of youth thus to be damped, and the luxuriancy of fancy cut to the quick?
为什么青春的热情就这样被浇灭了, 幻想的繁华就这样被扼杀了?机翻
16.But with undiminished ardour he picked up every glove cast before him into the merry lists of adventure.
但他怀着不减的热情, 拾起了摆在他面前的每一副手套, 投入了乐的冒险之旅。机翻
17.She could not envisage the possibility that she might at any time be captured by the ardour of belief.
18.His repeated promises confirm her hopes: embraces and endearments, which increase the ardour of her desires, overmaster her soul.
他一再的承诺证实了的希望:拥抱和亲昵,增加了欲望的热情, 控制了的灵魂。机翻
19.The sight of him so near her, his politeness, his compassion, his intrepidity, had combined to give new ardour to her affection.
20.There was something in the clear, pine-scented air of that winter morning that seemed to bring him back his joyousness and his ardour for life.