1.You think it was an accident? Bah!.
2.Bah! There is no Santa Claus.
2.哼, 里有圣诞老人!
1." A real conspiracy! And gentlemen, too. Bah" !
" 这是不折不扣的阴谋!这些老爷们,还是朋友呢?"
2." Bah" ! she answered, " what does it matter" ?
" 得了!" 她回答道," 这有什么关系?"
3.I can't bear mice! Bah! it makes me sick to think of it.
4.Scrooges' catchphrase in the book and in the movies is bah humbug!
5." Bah, " said Ser Creighton Longbough. " As it happens, I fight as well with either hand" .
" 噢,我一点也不怀疑。" 夏德奇爵士举致意。
6.As soon as you say bah humbug people know which story and which character you are talking about.
你一说“bah humbug”人们就知道你说的是什么。
7.For example, if someone asks you, So, are you ready for Christmas? and you say, Christmas ... bah humbug!
8.But Ashley Wilkes — bah! His breed is of no use or value in an upside-down world like ours.
9.But, bah, they will not suspect anything.
10." Bah" ! she said. " You haven't got it" .
“呸” !她说。“你还没有得到它” 。机翻
11." Bah! They forgot it. A mistake, I grant you" .
“呸!们忘记了。一个错误,我承认你” 。机翻
12.Anyone who says “bah humbug” is rejecting or showing disgust for Christmas.
任何说“bah humbug”的人都在拒绝或表现出对圣诞节的厌恶。机翻
13.Bah! Not now, Ciccio! Eyes on the water!
14.Bah, look at my lips again, no response.
再看看我的嘴唇 没反应。
15.But I don't mind girl Bah bah black sheep Ha ha nursery rhyme!
16." Bu" , " bah" , so open your mouth more on " Botter" and " bought" .
17." Bah" ! exclaimed the judge, " you have Lupin on the brain. You see him everywhere" .
“呸” !法官惊呼道, “你脑子有卢平。你到处都能看到” 。机翻
18." Bah" ! he murmured. " I can tell it now. It won't do any harm" .
“呸” !低声说。“我现在可以告诉它了。它不会造成任何伤害” 。机翻
19." Bah! so much the worse. Let him deceive me! What does it matter to me? As If I cared for him" !
" 唉! 管呢! 要是三心二意,和我又有什么相干! 难道我还在乎?"
20." Bah! I don't believe all that, it's professional jealousy among the lower classes, " said the comte de Caylus.
“呸!我不相信这一切, 这是下层阶级之间的职业嫉妒, ” 德凯卢斯伯爵说。机翻