9.The sea is painted in the background, nude bathers are lying around, there are people dancing and playing music - we really are looking at a scene of pure joy.
10.Although shark bites are relatively rare, he says, if tiger sharks shift their range-and warmer waters draw more bathers to the ocean-that could up the odds of an unfortunate encounter beneath the waves.
11.The foreground contains the most important details, each panel in the mid-ground contains a body of water, a small lake with a fountain, a pool with female bathers, and a frozen lake.
12.Down I went on to it, and sure enough among the empty boats moored to it lay a man on his sculls in a solid-looking tub of a boat clearly meant for bathers.
13.She took them in her little chemise, as she had no bathing suit, and afterwards her nurse dressed her in the cabin of a customs officer, which was used for that purpose by other bathers.