14.But before retiring, Jaffrey bethought himself of the evidence, in these ransacked drawers, that some one had visited the chamber with sinister purposes.
15.Then bethinking himself of possibilities he went along the road to the cemetery, which he entered, and crossed to where the interments had recently taken place.
16.The little tailor demanded of the king the promised reward; he, however, repented of his promise, and again bethought himself how he could get rid of the hero.
17." Was that unfortunate gentleman one of the—" He was about to say " victims" ; but bethinking himself in time, he substituted—" members of the club" ?
18.I was just beginning to stifle with the fumes of conservatory flowers and sprinkled essences, when I bethought myself to open the window and step out on to the balcony.
19.Perhaps the earliest known of all natural forces after the solar energies, it seemed to have suggested no idea to any one until some mariner bethought himself that it might serve for a pointer.
20." Well, you see, you were putting your hand to your forehead. I thought you felt faint" . Then, bethinking himself, " But you were asking me something? What was it? I really don't remember" .