6.Trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae dominate the canopy and emergent layers of the hyper-diverse, aseasonal, humid lowland tropical forests of Southeast Asia.
9.Here in the rainforest, the giant ohia lehua trees and hapuu ferns provide protective canopy to an amazingly diverse collection of plants and animals.
11.As an important part of the ship,canopy plays the role of hermetization and protection of cargo,which influences the safeness of cargo directly in transportation.
12.I would proffer the most exquisite oblations of flowery banners, garlands, as well as nautch, music, scented ointments, and canopies, for veneration of all Buddhas.
14.In the second half of the nineteenth century, the merchant Riumin gave money for the construction, next to the Cathedral of the Dormition, of a canopied fountain pool.
15.Beneath the "floating leaf", a rain-splattered covering that flows over it like a cape in the breeze, is a monopode: a single human leg just visible beneath the leaf-like canopy.