2.Transketolase is the key enzyme of pentose-phophate pathway, catalyses transfer of a two-carbon fragment from a ketolase (donor substance) to an aldose (acceptor substance).
7.He showed that the aldol reaction can be catalysed by a single amino acid, proline. And, crucially, this retains the enantiomeric purity of the enzyme-mediated reaction.
8.Dr List worked on an enzyme called aldolase A. This catalyses what is known as the aldol reaction, an important way of forging molecular bonds between carbon atoms.
9.It is catalysing something in South Africa, but there is a big slip between cup and lip and we'll have to see whether this really does accelerate the transition.
10.Dr MacMillan found he could catalyse Diels-Alder reactions using a type of metal-free molecule called an imidazolidinone to activate the two-carbon component, meaning that it combines enthusiastically with its four-carbon compadre.
11.An organisation is being set up that will seek to catalyse the rewilding of land and sea across Britain, its aim being to reintroduce that rarest of species to British ecosystems: hope.
12.Indeed, it was the defence department that catalysed the formation of Prometheus, by awarding the team at the University of Colorado which later founded the firm a grant of $1.8m back in 2017.
13.And so the way she's using her Instagram, the way she has really catalysed a movement - I think is totally incredible and it's really specific to her moment and who she is at this time.