| 划词

1.Another species grows in abundance as a chaparral shrub on the shady sides of the hills, probably Cornus sessilis.

另一种在丘阴凉处大量生长的丛林灌木, 可能是 Cornus sessilis。机翻


2.Many a mile they must go every day to gather their fifteen or twenty tons of chaparral and grass.



3.Near camp the goldcup oak forms sheets of chaparral, on top of which we may make our beds.



4.It is white-flowered and thorny, and makes dense thickets of tangled chaparral, difficult to wade through or to walk over.

着白花, 多刺,形成了密密麻麻的灌木丛, 很难涉水或走过。机翻


5.It led far up the ridge into an open place surrounded by a hedge-like growth of ceanothus chaparral.

通向脊远处的一片, 周围环绕着篱笆状的 ceanothus 灌木丛。机翻


6.2d. Those groves are all planted on dry hillsides covered with chaparral, and therefore are liable to be swept by fire.



7.From base to summit all seemed gray, barren, silent, its glorious chaparral appearing like dry moss creeping over its dull, wrinkled ridges and hollows.

脚到顶, 一切都显得灰暗、贫瘠、寂静, 灌木丛看起来就像是干枯的苔藓, 在暗淡、起皱的脊和谷上爬行。机翻


8.What a lot of people don't understand is that the most extensive vegetation type in California is not forest, it's chaparral, and it's grassland.



9.As far as the eye can reach stretches the great flat plain-land, all dusted over with patches of alkali, and intersected by clumps of the dwarfish chaparral bushes.



10.Managed by the National Park Service and covering almost 1200 square miles, Yosemite takes in five vegetation zones, from oak and chaparral woodlands, to sparse alpine high country.

优胜美国家公园面积广达 1200 平方英里 由美国国家公园管理局打理,分为五个植林区,种有桉树、树丛 以至高疏落植物。


11.Above this the ridge weathers away to a thin knife-blade for a few hundred yards, and thence to the summit of the range it carries a bristly mane of chaparral.

在这之上,脊风化成几百码的薄刀刃, 从那里到顶, 长满了灌木丛的刚毛。机翻


12.The Chinaman seemed to think we were lost, and chattered in pidgin English concerning the abundance of " litty stick" (chaparral), while the Indian silently scanned the billowy ridges and gulches for openings.



13.It was on this first trip from Hetch Hetchy to the upper cataracts that I had convincing proofs of Mr. Clark's daring and skill as mountaineer, particularly in fording torrents, and in forcing his way through thick chaparral.

正是在这第一次从赫奇赫奇 (Hetch Hetchy) 到白内障上游的旅行中,我有了令人信服的证据,证明克拉克先生作为登者的胆识和技巧,尤其是在涉水急流和穿过茂密丛林方面。机翻


14.We pushed our way through the dense chaparral and over the earthquake taluses with such speed that we reached the foot of the upper cataract while we had still an hour or so of daylight for the return trip.



15.Carlo is watching, makes a quick pounce on him, for the fun of the thing I suppose; but Liz has shot away from his paws like an arrow, and is safe in the recesses of a clump of chaparral.

Carlo 正在注视着他,迅速扑向他,我想是为了好玩;但是莉兹像箭一样从他的爪子里射了出来,安全躲在一丛灌木丛的深处。机翻


16.The foot-hill pastures, as we have seen, fail about the end of May, those of the chaparral belt and lower forests are in full bloom in June, those of the upper and alpine region in July, August, and September.

正如我们所见,麓牧场在 5 月底左右枯竭,丛林带和低矮森林的草场在 6 月盛,上和高区的草场在 7 月、8 月和 9 月盛机翻


17.The evening before my arrival, when the two shepherds were leisurely driving the flock toward camp half an hour before sunset, a hungry bear came out of the chaparral within a few yards of them and shuffled deliberately toward the flock.




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