2.He is a national second-class scenarist works for the television station of Xiangxi autonomous prefecture of Hunan province, and concurrently the vice-president of Xiangxi Writers Association.
Sophie's World A Novel About the History of Philosophy
13.Concurrently with the new directions in Greek philosophy, a Greek medical science arose which tried to find natural explanations for sickness and health.
「Sophie's World A Novel About the History of Philosophy」评价该例句:好评差评指正
当月 CNN 10 学生英语
14.Bok eventually writes, " following that, it became clear that her position was no longer tenable and she and I concurrently decided that it was time for her to exit."
15.But what's mind boggling is the Surface Pro 9 with 5G, all these effects run concurrently and continuously in real time on each video frame while consuming just a few watts of power.
但令人惊讶是配备 5G Surface Pro 9,在每个视频帧上都能连续实时运行所有这些效果,而消耗电力只有几瓦而已。
16.Well, some scholars at the time did want to update the spelling system to match the new pronunciations, but something was happening concurrently that would lock in those outdated spellings permanently.