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CNN 10 学生英语 2018年3月合集

1.This is absolutely sort of cutting edge of science and conservancy.


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2.Mom chaired the conservancy group that had it declared a freshwater preserve.


CRI 2020年8月合集

3.China has channeled 830 million yuan from its central budget to restore water conservancy and agricultural production facilities in flood-hit areas.


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CRI 2023年8月合集

4.China has earmarked more funds for repairs to damaged water conservancy facilities in areas severely affected by Typhoon Doksuri.


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VOA Special 2018年3月合集

5.He was living in Kenya at a wildlife conservancy called Ol Pejeta.

他住亚一个名为 Ol Pejeta 野生动物保护区机翻

「VOA Special 2018年3月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
VOA Special 2018年3月合集

6.Sudan may have also suffered from loneliness in his final days at the conservancy.


「VOA Special 2018年3月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

7.Some of the funds will go to the Chesapeake conservancy organization to help lobby the foundation of a Chesapeake National Recreation Zone.


VOA常速英语(视频版)- 2023年合集

8.While down overseas of the youth conservation group, his brother John Knapp works as a senior scientist with the nature conservancy, a national conservation group.


「VOA常速英语(视频版)- 2023年合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

9.We will also launch a number of major transportation, energy, and water conservancy projects, develop information networks and other new types of infrastructure, and work to modernize the logistics system.


摩登家庭第一季_Modern Family-Season01

10.God, I feel like such a slacker. I mean, he has done so much for being so young. Okay, look. He's opened up a dozen environmental foundations and conservancies. Wow.


「摩登家庭第一季_Modern Family-Season01」评价该例句:好评差评指正
当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2021年2月合集

11.Protecting the astonishing biodiversity of this region is the goal of the nature conservancy which has been working with local villagers for the past 20 years alongside government agencies and other partners.


「当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2021年2月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
China Daily 最新合辑

12.Unlike traditional infrastructure such as railways, roads and water conservancy, " new infrastructure" refers to major facilities based on information technologies like 5G, artificial intelligence, industrial internet, and the internet of things.

和铁路、公路、水利等传统基建不同,新基建是指基于 5G、人工智能、工业互联网和物联网等信息技术关键基础设施。

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China Daily 最新合辑

13.China earmarked 1.5 billion yuan on Thursday for repairs to damaged water conservancy facilities in areas severely affected by Typhoon Doksuri, according to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Water Resources.

周四,财政部会同水利部下达水利救灾资金 15 亿元,支持受台风“杜苏芮”影响受灾地区,用于水利工程设施水毁灾损修复。

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CRI 2023年7月合集

14.The NDRC says it will particularly encourage private investment to go into a selected number of industrial segments with great market potential such as water conservancy, clean energy, new infrastructure and advanced manufacturing.


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