11.The recent developments in conventional synthesis of naphthol are summarized, including sulfonation alkali-fusion, via isopropyl naphthalene, hydrolysis, via tetrahydronaphthalene.
14.Beamforming algorithm in the minimum variance distortionless response beamformer and give a diagram of conventional beamforming and MVDR two waveforms.
17.The paper introduces their salt-tolerance mech anism and research progress regarding conventional anaerobic or aerobic sludge, halophile and salt-tolerant yeast.
18.Type 190 Ballistics Longitude-Latitude Photographic Plate (BLL, photoplate) is dedicated for night photography of luminous ballistics of conventional or strategical arms.
19.The distribution as well as the content of the particles in N-P electroless codeposits is determined by means of conventional stereome-tric metallograph.
20.Each objective function was nondimensionalized, and the multiobjective optimization function was solved by conventional weighting method.Sample point was appointed by uniform design.