1.Shadow Dance: The cooldowns on Sap, Garrotte, Ambush, Cheap Shot, Premeditation, Pickpocket, and Disarm Trap are no longer increased while this ability is activated.
10.For performance measures, in studies looking at outcomes in both same-day and next-day settings, active cooldowns did not have any meaningful impact.
14.However, warmups and stretching are supposedly injury-preventing factors themselves, so it stands to reason, although not with full certainty, that cooldowns alone wouldn't fare much better.
15.Same goes for indirect muscle recovery markers, like creatine kinase and muscle voluntary isometric force contraction, where active cooldowns don't seem to change much of these recovery factors.
16.If you're just the regular gym goer that do not have time to dedicate an extra 15 to 30 minutes to an active cooldown, then a simple rest should be just fine.
17.However, if an active cooldown is something you find perhaps mentally beneficial, then it might be fine if you continue to do it for the sake of a sort of psychological placebo.