「The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon」评价该例句:好评差评指正
2009 English Cafe
17.A little less than 30 percent of all families are DINKs – double income, no children – or least married with no children, not necessarily double income.
18.You dink it every day. Water. Any little code that you can use to help you write things quickly and remember things quickly, especially things like this -- TOEFL for some reason loves science things.
19.The idea was that these DINKs were, perhaps, selfish for not having children, at least that was one " connotation, " one meaning that people used this term, especially in the 70s and 80s.
20.Another term we use in the U.S. in talking about families – this one is a little older, not as common anymore as it was maybe 20 years ago – and that is " DINKs" (DINK – " s" is added for the plural).