12.Audible's library can help you achieve your goals, like being a more empathic leader or finishing more stories or trying out a guided meditation program.
13.Maybe, because sadness is such an intense emotion, its presence can prompt a positive empathic reaction: Feeling someone's sadness can move you in some prosocial way.
14.And the empathic model basically looks at human communications and says in every effective negotiation you have the assessment phase, the engagement phase, and then the transactional phase.
15.By becoming aware of his grandiosity and choosing to relate to it in a more healthy and conscious way, Peter not only helps himself, but becomes more understanding and empathic to others as well.
16.So one of the things that I found as an FBI agent in just trying to get people to either confess or cooperate with us was what came to be known as the empathic model of social interaction.