7.This paper has predicted indirectly by means of measuring the equivalent viscosity of resorcin-formaldehyde resin liquor(thereinafter referred to as RF resin).
8.In this paper by applying the poloidal-toroidal decomposition of a velocity field, Oberbeck-Boussinesq equations are transformed into a new equivalent system.
10.By using the equivalent model,contact force of ideal trochoid transmission was calculated,and the calculation result agree relatively well with a theoretical one.
11.This method is a better technique to synthesiz THDB, its inhibitory activity against tyrosinase is better than arbutin or kojic acid, equivalent to phloretin.
13.Considering the subnormal subgroups,some equivalent conditions for nilpotency of finite groups are given and a sufficient condition for nilpotency of finite groups is obtained.
14.This paper presents an approximate analytic method for the stiffened torispherical shell with opening under uniform external pressure, that is, the equivalent spherical shell method.
15.The deductive method of atomic spectral terms for equivalent and nonequivalent configurations is the key part of the study of quantum chemistry, structural chemistry and atomic physics.
16.This paper makes a meshing analysis about the spiroid gearing. Using the method of equivalent worm gearing, the assembly condition of Archimedes spiroid gears has been obtained.
17.The temperature of hot strip at finishing rolling interstand has been calculated by established short-cut calculation model and defined concept of equivalent interstand distance and fundamental value.
19.In this paper, we proved that the definition of a semilattice as a universal algebra and the definition of a semilattice as a partial ordered set are equivalent.
20.Orwell feared we would become a captive culture.Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.