6.To relieve the present exigency, is always the object which principally interests those immediately concerned in the administration of public affairs.
14.To this end he insisted upon remaining in the vicinity; but the exigencies of the perpetual search for food led them several miles further away during day.
15.His Prussian majesty had probably, upon that account, thought it reasonable that it should contribute a good deal more towards relieving the exigencies of the state.
16.The amassing of treasure can no longer be expected; and when extraordinary exigencies require extraordinary expenses, he must necessarily call upon his subjects for an extraordinary aid.
17.That's what I meant when I said we've unfortunately got to go back to that 20th-century frame of thinking about we have to deal with the exigencies of a war economy.
18.In a particular exigency, the people may, from great public zeal, make a great effort, and give up even a part of their capital, in order to relieve the state.
19." Anything this good, " he would whisper over his shoulder, fearful of the nurses whom he had impressed with the exigencies of my diet, " couldn't possibly hurt any one" .
20.But when it is applied to any other purpose, each carriage is supposed to pay for more than that wear and tear, and contributes to the supply of some other exigency of the state.