11.Where the intermediator has facilitated the conclusion of the contract, the expenses for the intermediate service shall be borne by the intermediator.
12.Coexistence of the rational and elegant prose has brought on interflowing of the two style and therefore facilitated prosperity and tenuity in this field.
13.Bad weather, such as the heavy summer rains, after drouth, which saturate ploughed soil, reduce soil shear strength, facilitate masse soil movement, and instigate gullying.
14.In the related "amide route" starting from 2-chloroisonicotinic acid, 41 ,a secondary amide directing group was used to facilitate the ortho lithiation of the pyridine 3-position.
15.The uncinate fragment is then grasped and removed as one piece.This should bring into view the opening of the maxillary sinus and facilitate subsequent maxillary sinus meatotomy.