11.While younger workers might have a reputation for being flighty or quitting soon after starting a job, many Gen Zers are seeking a job that invests in them.
15.It also means putting less flighty creditors in the line of fire, by adopting an EU-wide resolution regime requiring banks to issue bonds that absorb losses before big depositors do.
16.It was September 1429; the weather had fallen sharp; a flighty piping wind, laden with showers, beat about the township; and the dead leaves ran riot along the streets.
17.They all say - I mean, the other wiggles all say-that I'm too flighty; don't take life seriously enough. If they've said it once, they've said it a thousand times.
18.The seal seemed anything but " pinnipedestrian" about the encounter and maybe the butterfly wanted the seal to " Lepidoptera" but one animal might have wanted to " seal" the friendship, the other was kind of " flighty" .