4.PHYSICAL THERAPY Physical therapy and lumbar stabilization exercises do not directly affect the herniated disc, but they can stabilize the lumbar spine muscles.
6.Henry Lamott, age 42 is scheduled with Dr. Shepherd for a spinal implant to control the pain of his herniated disc, is allergic to all pain medication.
Henry Lamott,42岁,预约了 Shepherd 医生做脊人工置换术,目的是解决间盘脱出的疼痛,他对所有止痛药物都过敏。
7.After undergoing back surgery in September to treat a herniated disc — and after the constant ache in her abdomen worsened — she had to stop working as a housecleaner.
8.He's got a second bleed under the skull base. If I do what the textbooks say, he could lose the power of speech, herniate through the first craniotomy and die.