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诉讼双雄 第5季

1.And the fact is, I'm capable of reciting every element of jurisprudence in the State of New York.

而事实是 我可以背诵纽约州所有法理学素。

「诉讼双雄 第5季」评价该例句:好评差评指正
2008 English Cafe

2." Juris" comes from the word " jurisprudence, " which is a general word describing the law.


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3.According to the jurisprudence, the boy should stay at the prison for a year because of juvenile delinquency.



4.Bologna, in northern Italy, where was founded the University of Bologna in the 11th Century, a school famous for its faculty on jurisprudence.

博洛,位于意利北部,11 世纪博洛创建地,该校以其法理学资而闻名。机翻


5.However, his most significant contributions  can be found elsewhere. As Emperor of France, Napoleon crafted and codified a legal system that  remains the basis of continental jurisprudence.

然而,他最贡献可以在别处找到。 作为法国皇帝,拿破仑制定并编纂了一套法律体系, 至今仍是法理学基础。机翻

经济学人 Culture

6.Eventually, they lend their testimony to a sprawling legal team that builds what Mr Higham and Ms Horwitz call " the most complex civil action in the history of American jurisprudence" .


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纽约时报 (New York Times)

7.One lawyer who can be said to have taken up the challenge was John Eastman, a senior fellow at the institute for 30 years and the founder and director of Claremont's Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence.

可以说有一位律接受了这一挑战,他就是约翰·伊斯特曼,他在该研究所担任了 30 年高级研究员,也是克莱蒙特宪法法学中心创始人和主任。

「纽约时报 (New York Times)」评价该例句:好评差评指正

8.When I show you that the application of this doctrine demands in the first place a mastery of the science of manners, you may think my jurisprudence has a flavor of the court and of the training I received as a Lenoncourt.

当我向您展示这一学说应用首先需精通礼仪科学时,您可能会认为我法学具有宫廷风格和我作为 Lenoncourt 接受训练风格。机翻



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