7.The enzymolysis effect of neutral protease, papain, pepsin, bromelin, flavourzyme and compound protease was studied respectively on the sleeve-fish protein.
8.Tripeptide aldehyde. Reversible competitive inhibitor of serine and cysteine proteases. Inhibits also phospholipase D and C activation in rat hepatocytes.
9.Background— Cathepsin K (CatK), a potent elastinolytic and collagenolytic cysteine protease, likely participates in the evolution and destabilization of atherosclerotic plaques.
10.In this study, zein, a very abundant and cheap crop in China was hydrolyzed by thermolysin, chymotrypsin, trypsin and alkaline protease for processing antihypertensive peptides.
11.By using of the advantages of cellulase and protease, biological enzyme treatment was carried out so as to remove lousiness on fabric surface and improve fabric hand.
13.There's also pancreatic amylase which breaks down carbohydrates into shorter oligosaccharides, and proteases, like trypsin, which cleaves proteins down into smaller peptides.
15.To digest a meal, these zymogens are released into the pancreatic duct, and delivered to the small intestine where they are activated by the protease trypsin.
16.Unregulated inflammation means lots of proteases, platelet activating factor, and free radicals floating around the gastrointestinal tissue which ultimately causes destruction of healthy tissue.
17.Second, even if a microbe produces collagenase and other proteases, enzymes that break down proteins, they CAN'T reach the collagen protein due to its interaction with calcium.
18.Neutrophils make an enzyme called neutrophil elastase, a protease capable of breaking down elastin, which is an extracellular matrix protein that gives elasticity and strength to lung tissues.
19.The cytokines attract Inflammatory cells like macrophages which start releasing even more inflammatory substances like proteases, platelet activating factor, and free radicals, all which contribute to inflammation.
20.This means that their RNA is actually mRNA, and the host cell ribosomes use this mRNA to make a long polyprotein chain, which is then broken into smaller pieces by viral proteases.