1.To explore the effect of treating intenstinal obstruction due to ascarid combined with Oxydol enema and Major decoction for purging Down Digestive Qi.
1.We're on a planet that's purging, Summer. Purging.
在一个正在大清除的星球 大清除。
2.Did he mean literal purging? I mean I guess a good barf can be cathartic in a sense.
他所说的净化就是字面上的净化吗?的意思是 想好的呕吐物在某种意义上可以起到净化(通便)作用。
3.Whoa, they are purging the [bleep] out of each other.
哇 这真是的互相残杀。
4.In some states, there's a practice called purging the rolls.
5.We have 'purging', 'citing' and 'overstretching'.
6.To correct the balance of these fluids, doctors employed dangerous treatments like bloodletting and purging.
7.Exclusive: White House sets deadline for purging TikTok from federal devices.
白宫设定了从联邦设备中删除 TikTok 的最后期限。
8.We've had 'purging' — removing something considered harmful.
9.The binging and purging cycles associated with bulimia can result in a number of serious side effects.
10.As a consequence, you may fall into self-destructive behaviors such as purging, restrictive dieting, binge eating, and over-exercising.
11.Now that they're purging male creeps from executive positions, strong women are finally getting their seat at the table.
12.Yeah, and the word 'purge' and 'purging' is used in a number of contexts.
是的,purge 和 purging 这个词在很多情况下都会用到。
13.Bloodletting, purging, fasting -- they were all well-regarded treatments.
14.Acquiring and purging so I'm as we say in the United States, a thrifter, I don't know what you, op-shoper?
15.We're not purging anyone, Rick, all right? W- will you stop it?
們誰也不弄死 Rick 能不能別這樣?
16." Voter purging is the process by which election officials remove names from the voter rolls." Come on.
17.He's been sort of purging acolytes of the previous premier who he and his entourage accused of corruption.
18.My absolute favoritest part of moving is purging my possessions, just getting rid of it all, especially my clothes.
最喜欢搬家的部分是清理的财产,只是把它全部扔掉, 尤其是的衣服。机翻
19.After purging the cabinet of rebels last month, Mr. Valls has gambled that taking on his critics in parliament would pay off.
20.Is it not more compelling to think of a natural process of discharge of the emotions than of their purging?
想想情绪发泄的自然过程, 难道不是比情绪净化更有说服力吗?机翻