9.Weight loss is best achieved by changing our approach to food, not overeating and preferably selecting better, nutrient dense and heavily satiating foods.
11.Latin American literature, with its melange of magical realism, gritty realism, and avant-garde experimentation, is perfectly poised to satiate this hunger.
15.The sole well-functioning alternative to Brent, which tracks prices of wti cargoes delivered in Cushing, Oklahoma, to satiate America's home market, is too parochial.
17.Commissioned by the British shipping company " White Star Line" , the Titanic was created to satiate demand for luxury travel between Europe and North America.
19.I'd have a few days where I was very energetic in the gym and then I'd have huge lulls as well, whereas Hugo's was far more sustained and satiated with energy levels.
20.I want to die empty, devoid of all of the skill, gift, talent and light that I carry in this bodyand satiated, full of the richness of this one unique human ride.