11.The civil aviation ministry official said there was no evidence to substantiate a Russian claim that the aircraft has disintegrated at the height of 30,000 feet.
12.Unfortunately, we have only a limited number of shipwrecks to substantiate these trading activities, but one of the shipwrecks that we have is that of the 'Uluburun'.
13.It is scientifically substantiated that habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or physical inactivity significantly heighten the risk of chronic diseases, leading to higher healthcare costs.
14.And by according to plan, I mean the plan that I just totally made up on my head, that is only vaguely substantiated with real rumours and speculation but it sounds good so.
15.There are many, however, even in the Northern States, benevolent and well-disposed men, who will pronounce my opinion erroneous, and gravely proceed to substantiate the assertion with an argument.
16.You had all these great American scientists who were trying to substantiate proof of psychic phenomenon, proof of an afterlife. The Harvard psychology department were all a bunch of ghost chasers at that time.
17." However, this relationship has not been substantiated in human studies, " said Dr. Frank B. Hu, a professor and the chair of the department of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
“然而,这种关系尚未在人体研究中得到,”哈佛 T.H. 教授兼营养系主任 Frank B. Hu 博士说。陈共卫生院。机翻