16.He was a thoroughbred son of the country, as far removed from what is known as the provincial, as the latter is from the out-and-out gentleman of culture.
17.It turns out that the same nutrient-rich limestone that helps thoroughbred horses grow into champions also makes the liquor here better, since it helps filter impurities from the water.
18.A horse that has taken the Triple Crown is recognized as one of the greatest or best thoroughbred horses in the United States, and perhaps even the world.
19.But my boys can take care of themselves and my horses can't. I'd gladly give the horses free of charge if I knew they were going to be ridden by boys I know, gentlemen used to thoroughbreds.
20.Of course, there is a man on top of the horse, a man we call the " jockey" (jockey), and you need to have a good jockey in order to be a successful thoroughbred horse.