12.In the patients with chronic alcoholism caused by lastingly drinking high degree wine,54% had hepatomegaly and liver parenchyma showed lipoidal-change acoustic image at varied degree.
13.Certainly, regarding the most chanteurs, guides the chanteur in the stage the tense psychological factor is many and varied, like technology.Physiology.Practice.Situation factor and so on.
14.Four alluvial deposits distributing along Yuanjiang river and the diamondiferous rocks that supply diamonds to these placer deposits have striking properties of varied sources and multi-phases.
15.Plainchant or plainsong, the traditional monodic chant of the Catholic Church, still uses a four-line stave, and in earlier music the number of lines used varied.
16.Staple fiber may be varied in length, denier and other respects to render it spinnable on the several established systems for the natural fibers cotton, wool and flax.
17.Her time at Insead taught her to appreciate French haute cuisine but it also reminded her that her native Japanese food was far more varied than most Europeans appreciated.
18.P - tert - octylphenol (shorten by PTOP), the alkylation product of phenol with diisobutylene(shorten by DIB), has been largely applying in varied fields such as rubbers, oil additives and so on.