地球自转能带你走多远?How far can you travel without leaving your home?


Happy 100th birthday!

Your favorite granddaughter (don't tell the others) created a surprise: a holographic map displaying everywhere you've travelednot just on Earth, but through the universe!

While you haven't literally been to space, you've lived on a spinning rock hurtling around a sun, whizzing through a galaxy, and the journey only gets wilder from there.

You've made some real progress in the grand scheme of things.

But how much, exactly?

Your atlas starts on the planet's surface.

Over the course of your life, you've walked about 120,000 kilometersthe equivalent of three trips around the globe.

Daily commutes and international travel add a few more.

This may seem remarkable until you factor in your pirouette around the planet each day due to its rotation.

The distance traveled this way differs from person to personthose close to the poles trace a smaller circle than those at the equator.
