2.France held its breath while the Senate chose its new president.
3.The bill carried the Senate.; The bill was carried by the Senate.
4.The committee will have to compare the Senate's version of the bill with the version that was passed by the House.
5.At the instance of the senate, Marcus Antoninus, now quaestor, was made consul;
6.But the president's decision to renominate Ben Bernanke for Senate confirmation is considered a safe one.
7.The one hundred members (two from each state) of the Senate serve for six years.
8.He enrolled in the senate many of his friends, giving them the rank of aedile or prisoner;
9.2. the recusant electors...cooperated in electing a new Senate- Mary W.Williams.
叛逆的竞选者……在选举新议问题上合作了-玛丽 ·W ·威廉斯。
10.Voting 15-0, the Senate on Wednesday afternoon approved on third and final reading the 2009 Baselines Bill delineating the country's archipelagic baselines.
11.Persons thus co-opted by the Senate were liable to the burden of the praetorship, and likewise those whom the Emperor ennobled, unless special exemption were granted.