15.The U.S. government looks to Afghan electoral bodies to carry out their duties in coming weeks to tally votes, adjudicate complaints, and finalize the results.
16.He liked designing his new houses, flying his private plane, and living high off his stock options; he did not relish adjudicating conflict or curating high-maintenance egos.
17.The new regulator is, in theory, a big step; in reality, many approvals must still go through the central bank and securities authority, with disputes adjudicated by clogged courts.
18.Mr Pinkovskiy and his co-authors have instead used night-time lights not as a direct measure of growth, but as a way to adjudicate between other potential proxies.
19.Eventually a compromise was reached whereby an Act of Settlement was established in 1662 and a Court of Claims founded to adjudicate on who should be restored to their lands.
20.She could also be called upon to adjudicate election-related cases in a year when Trump has repeatedly claimed without evidence that the election will be a " fraud" and voting cases are winding through lower courts.