12.The Scotia hadn't run afoul of something, it had been fouled, and by a cutting or perforating instrument rather than a blunt one.
「海底两万里-Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea」评价该例句:好评差评指正
13.Pertinent to this, I'll ask you if the Nautilus's running afoul of the Scotia, which caused such a great uproar, was the result of an accidental encounter?
15.But the plan ran afoul of America, which feared France was trying to undermine NATO, and was then stalled by Franco-British spats over the Iraq war in 2003.
16.So, quickly you run afoul of a whole lot of rules, and regulations, and international treaties of the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and whatnot.
17.It is all too easy to post something that runs afoul of non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements, securities laws or trade secrets, he says -- valuable career advice in itself.