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Simon Critchley - Tragedy the Greeks and Us

1.The poet who wins the agon at the City Dionysia is the one who produces the strongest affective response.


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Linear algebra

2.Confusion about agon stuffs usually has more to do with the shaky foundation in one of these topics than it does with eigenvectors and eigen values themselves.

对正交的困惑通常更多的是与这些主题中的个不稳定的基础有关 而不是与特征向量和特征值本身有关。

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Simon Critchley - Tragedy the Greeks and Us

3.As proof of this claim, Aristotle says that in theatrical contests, namely the agon at the City Dionysia and elsewhere, the plays that deal with a few families and that end badly are found to be the most tragic.

作为这说法的证明, 亚里士多德说, 在赛中,即酒神节和其他地方的赛中,涉及少数家庭且结局糟糕的被认为是最悲惨的。机翻

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