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1.Others have been reclassified as precursors of the modern annelids.


科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年5月合集

2.But there's this one phylum of worms, the annelids, that can re-grow unlike anything else that we've ever seen in the kingdom.


「科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年5月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
Awesome Nature

3.Or maybe those lowly annelid worms, with their powerful ringed bodies.

或许是卑微多节蠕虫, 有着强大环节身体。

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科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年5月合集

4.Officially, he looks at bifurcated annelids, meaning things like earthworms that have come out of their larval stage with two heads, or spontaneously sprouted two tails, or...some other combination of mixed up appendages.


「科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年5月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年5月合集

5.According to Ponz, this information could extend far beyond the annelid and even insect worlds to help us better understand how things like growth and development actually happen...in both the normal and the monster ways.

依据 Ponz 说法,这些信息远远超越了环节动物甚至昆虫界,它帮助我们更好地了解生长和发育等是如何发生——无论是正常方式还是像怪物蠕虫那种方式。

「科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年5月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年5月合集

6.What they learned is that bifurcation in worms has been observed in over 60 species of worms across the annelid family tree, and in some species, up to 20% of the juveniles ended up with some form of bifurcation.


「科学60秒-科学美国人 2022年5月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
海底两万里-Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea

7.In their dark crevices huge crustaceans, aiming their long legs like heavy artillery, watched us with unblinking eyes, while underfoot there crept millipedes, bloodworms, aricia worms, and annelid worms, whose antennas and tubular tentacles were incredibly long.


「海底两万里-Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea」评价该例句:好评差评指正

8.With fishes, members of the shark family would not tend to supplant the lancelet; for the lancelet, as I hear from Fritz Muller, has as sole companion and competitor on the barren sandy shore of South Brazil, an anomalous annelid.

对于鱼,鲨鱼家族成员不会倾向于取代文昌鱼;因为我从 Fritz Muller 那里听说, 在巴西南部贫瘠沙质海岸上, 柳叶刀有个异常环节动物作为唯伙伴和竞争对手。机翻



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