3.Extruded magnesium anode are mainly used inwaterboiler,heatexchanger,vapourater,boiler,etc.lt has pro-perty of softingwater,de-dirtresidual,enlong the usinglife,span.
5.The key technology and technics,which use Simons electrolyze trough with a falcial anode to synthesize lithium fluoroalkylphosphates,are discussed in this paper.
6.Based on different soil corrosion factors and pipe corrosion principle, obligated current negode protection and sacrifice anode protection can be used here.
7.This paper introduces the technical condition of electrorefine high-nickel and high-sulphur copper anode and analyzes the problem and the reason in the practise.
8.Moreover, it was feasible to reduce the oxidation of the alkynol brighter by choosing active nickel as the anode in the bright nickel electroplating.
11.The process of decoppering through insoluble anode electrolysis in the solution produced by leaching high grade matte nickel using chlorine is intro-duced in this paper.
12.To realize the high efficiency of dernisting, thenew type cathode wires and anode tubes with superperformance were developed for increasing the current density and field intensity.