7.The advanced robot delivers hugs using a pair of Kinova JACO arms mounted to a custom metal frame that were selected for being anthropomorphic, quiet, and safe.
8.First the word anthropomorphic means that these gods and goddesses basically look and behave like mortal men and mortal women, only they're more stronger, more beautiful and immortal.
10.Finally, the Roman anthropomorphic gods and goddesses made up a family ruled in the very best Roman sense by the great shining pater familias Jupiter, formerly a lightening bolt.
11.Thanks to the Etruscans, the Romans worshipped a group of anthropomorphic deities, that is to say, gods and goddesses who looked, thought and behaved like mortal men and mortal women.
12.It has many prehistoric objects And the head of a man in limestone Among other figures to show the anthropomorphic aspect Of the man of this time No.
13.So, when you put a little puppy dog in human clothes, and you start talking to it like it's a person, you're " anthropomorphising" the little dog, but it's an anthropomorphic behaviour to dress up a little puppy dog like that.