| 划词

1.An antinode is midway between two nodes.




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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

1.And in its most basic form, it would have just one antinode, in the middle.

在其最基本的形式中,它将具有 中间有一个中心。

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Crash Course 综合篇

2.Today, you learned about standing waves, and how they’re made up of nodes and antinodes.

今天,您了解了驻, 以及它们如何由节和成。机翻

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Crash Course 综合篇

3.And the open end will be an antinode, because that’s where there’s a peak in the oscillations.

开放端将一个, 因为那荡达到峰值的地方。机翻

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

4.So the peaks are the antinodes, and the points that don't oscillate are nodes.

所以顶点中心, 不动的点节点。

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Crash Course 综合篇

5.So the peaks are the antinodes, and the points that don’t oscillate are nodes.

所以峰, 不荡的点节。机翻

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

6.It's the simplest possible standing wave you can have, with the fewest nodes and antinodes.

可以获得的最简单的驻 在他们身上,最低的结和偏中心。

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

7.Overtones build on the fundamental, incrementally: each overtone adds a node and an antinode.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

8.Then, the 2nd harmonic will have three antinodes and two nodes, and so on.

那么,二次谐有3个中心 偏量,两个结,等等。

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

9.If you look at a string on a stringed instrument, you can actually see where the nodes and antinodes are.

如果我们看弦乐器的弦,我们可以 查看节点置和偏中心。

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

10.And the open end will be an antinode, because that's where there's a peak in the oscillations.

开口端将一个中心,因为 顶部在示器中。

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

11.(including those near any open ends of the pipe) form the peaks, and therefore the antinodes.

(包括声门尖端的)构成 顶点,以及中心。

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Crash Course 综合篇

12.It’s the simplest possible standing wave you can have, with the fewest nodes and antinodes.

您可以拥有的最简单的驻, 具有最少的节和机翻

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

13.Instead of having a node at each end, it has an antinode at each end.

在每一端都有一个结,而 每端的中心偏

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

14.Now what about the frequency of the second harmonic -- the standing wave with 3 nodes and 2 antinodes?

那么二次谐的频率呢... 具有 3 个节点和两个偏中心的驻

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

15.Today, you learned about standing waves, and how they're made up of nodes and antinodes.

今天,我们了解了驻,以及如何 由节点和偏中心成。

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Crash Course 综合篇

16.So the fundamental standing wave for a pipe with two open ends will have two antinodes, and one node in the middle of the wave.

因此, 具有两个开口端的管道的基本驻将有两个,一个的中间。机翻

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Crash Course 综合篇

17.But the areas where molecules oscillate the most (including those near any open ends of the pipe) form the peaks, and therefore the antinodes.


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Crash Course 综合篇

18.The points of a standing wave that don’t oscillate are called nodes, and the points at the maximum height of the peaks are antinodes.


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Crash Course 综合篇

19.A standing wave in a pipe with two open ends is kind of the opposite, of the wave with two fixed ends: Instead of having a node at each end, it has an antinode at each end.


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Crash Course 综合篇

20.The second-simplest standing wave you can have on a string with two fixed ends has 3 nodes -- one at each end, and one in the middle -- plus 2 antinodes in between the nodes.

具有两个固定端的弦上第二简单的驻有 3 个节点——每端一个,中间一个——加上节点之间的 2 个机翻

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