2.During their four seasons in Range Creek, the teams had plotted the GPS coordinates of every site they'd found and recorded the location of every potsherd, arrowhead, and metate.
13.From Neolithic times, across Europe and North America, sites of mass burials show unmistakable signs of violence: skulls with stone-axe injuries, arrowheads lodged in vertebrae and decapitations.
15.A glassed case in the corner held the curios he had collected — specimens of butterflies, a rare arrowhead, a curious rock shaped like a human profile.
16.Next to the site, in a repurposed church, is the Aztalan Museum, which houses hundreds of artifacts, including pottery, arrowheads, and jewelry crafted from copper and shells.
17.But inside the mound was indeed evidence for a city that had thrived during the Bronze Age, with charred stone, broken arrowheads, and damaged human skeletons suggesting a violent end.
18.Some unfortunate animals ended up in terrariums or aquariums in my house, or I would be out in the plowed fields looking for arrowheads or Native American artifacts or rocks.
19." Ghost found it. The blade was wrapped in a ranger's cloak and buried beneath the Fist of the First Men. There were other blades as well... spearheads, arrowheads, all dragonglass" .
20.The rest was arrowheads, a torrent of arrowheads, a flood of arrowheads, arrowheads enough to drown the last few stones and shells, and all the copper pennies too.