1.If you do not talk down to a child, it will assuredly talk up to you.
1.如果你对一个架, 他一定会对你坦白。
1.Colin was most assuredly an American.
我们有了很多细节 可还没有的名字。
2.Assuredly, Ned and Conseil in combination added up to one outstanding naturalist.
3.If you hire us for a two-month project, it will assuredly take 12.
4.How intriguing! Can he play? Most assuredly, Ma'am, and more! He is a composer and a conductor.
5.But this was most assuredly not the case.
6.How intriguing! Can he play? LEOPOLD: Most assuredly, Ma'am, and more! He is a composer and a conductor.
7.Assuredly, if the monster ever had to deal with Ned Land's harpoon, I wouldn't bet on the monster.
8." Assuredly, " said she, with gathering emphasis.
“当然,” 她说,语气越来越重。机翻
9." Assuredly. Otherwise I should not be sitting here" .
“当然。否则我应该坐在里” 。机翻
10.Assuredly, Captain Nemo hadn't seen fit to plant the idea of sharks in the minds of my companions.
11.You have assuredly no reason to.
12.All was quiet, and assuredly no other man was in those chambers.
13.If it has done us good, assuredly the fact is not yet demonstrable.
如果它对我们有好处, 那可以肯定的, 事实还无法证明。机翻
14.Assuredly he has done it better than many in the ranks above him.
可以肯定的, 比上级的许多人做得更好。机翻
15.Assuredly, it was my uncle, when he returned the night before from his hurried walk.
毫无疑问,那我叔叔, 前一天晚上匆匆散步回来时。机翻
16.Assuredly, pleasant enough: but whether healthy or not is another question.
17.In any case, increasing potassium intake is assuredly a better strategy for health than restricting your sodium intake below 3,000 milligrams.
无论如何,增加钾的摄入量,肯定比将钠摄入量限制在 3,000 毫克以下更有利于健康。
18.It would assuredly have been a vain boast in him to say that he was her master.
说她的主人, 肯定自吹自擂。机翻
19.If there is not a finished tune, there are phrases, and there is assuredly a motif, articulated, reiterated.
如果没有完整的曲调, 则有乐句,而且肯定有一个主题, 经过表达和重申。机翻
20.They may possibly apply to the average pet 'coon, but they most assuredly do not apply to Racket.
它们可能适用于普通的宠物浣熊, 但它们肯定适用于 Racket。机翻