| 划词

1.Having a contempt for curates, whom he always called understrappers, he was resolved to be buried by a beneficed clergyman.

由于蔑视牧师, 他总是称他们为下属, 他决定由一位受惠的牧师埋葬。机翻


2.Those concerning the government of the church, and the right of conferring ecclesiastical benefices, were perhaps the most interesting to the peace and welfare of civil society.



3.In those small republics, therefore, the magistrate very soon found it necessary, for the sake of preserving the public peace, to assume to himself the right of presenting to all vacant benefices.



4.He made no display of humility on the subject, but in his heart he felt rather ashamed that his conduct had shown laches which others who did not get benefices were free from.



5.The concordat afterwards, in the sixteenth century, gave to the kings of France the absolute right of presenting to all the great, or what are called the consistorial, benefices of the Gallican church.

后来,在 16 世纪,协约授予法国国王绝对权利,可以向所有伟大的,或所谓的 consistorial,Gallican 教堂的恩赐赠送。机翻


6.But the power of the pope, in the collation of the great benefices of the church, seems, before the reformation, to have been nowhere so effectually and so universally restrained as in France and England.

但是,在宗教改革之前, 教皇在整理教会的伟大恩赐方面的权力似乎在任何地方都没有像在法国和英国那样受到如此有效和普遍的限制。机翻


7.All the inferior ecclesiastical benefices comprehended within the diocese were collated by the bishop, who bestowed them upon such ecclesiastics as he thought proper. All church preferments were in this manner in the disposal of the church.



8.The venerable prelate, who was entrusted with the distribution of the benefices, added in a postscript to one of his niece's letters, " This poor Sorel is only a lunatic. I hope he will be restored to us" .

受托分配圣职的可敬主教在他侄女的一封信的附言中补充说:“这个可怜的索雷尔只是个疯子。我希望他能回到我们身边” 。机翻



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