13.Being betrothed means she wears the insignia of betrothal: engagement rings and all the gifts Pilatus has given her—jewels, earrings, necklaces, and the pendants.
15." At once" ? Edmure sounded so unhappy that Catelyn had the unworthy thought that perhaps he had been entertaining notions of breaking the betrothal after the fighting was done.
16.Robert waved an impatient hand. " Old enough for betrothal. The marriage can wait a few years. " The king smiled. " Now stand up and say yes, curse you. "
17." Yes, " said Reznak, " and afterward there is a special cake. A women's cake, baked only for betrothals. Men are not allowed to taste it. I am told it is delicious. Magical" .
18." Yes, father; in the front parlour" . She was very glad that she was not obliged to tell him that the ceremony of their betrothal had taken place out there under the bare ailantus-trees.
19.Here he was, at the very moment of his betrothal—a moment for pure thoughts and cloudless hopes—pitchforked into a coil of scandal which raised all the special problems he would have preferred to let lie.