4.When this method is applied to the spiral bevel gears of an airplane engine, the results show that it is more reasonable than TCA and the precontrol method.
5.Under the nose may face on or faces takes care of a matter wilfully, does not have to replace the grinding wheel piece then to resharpen the bevel edge.
7.The blue Coast Range was seen stretching along the sky like a beveled wall, and the somber, craggy Marysville Buttes rose impressively out of the flooded plain like islands out of the sea.
8.And it has this bevel right here, you can see where it kind of comes down and then angles, I would guess that there's probably no video where I don't use this at some point.
9.Every winter the High Sierra and the middle forest region get snow in glorious abundance, and even the foot-hills are at times whitened. Then all the range looks like a vast beveled wall of purest marble.
每年冬天,High Sierra 和中部森林地区都会下大雪,有时连山脚下的雪都变白了。然后整个范围看起来就像一堵巨大的最纯大理石斜面墙。机翻
10.And close along the shore on this side there is a strip of rocky meadow enameled with buttercups, daisies, and white violets, and the purple-topped grasses out on its beveled border dip their leaves into the water.
11.So generally, Japanese sushi knives, called yanagi, designed to be a little bit thinner behind the blade, and has the bevel, which is much more elongated to kind of create a thinner blade and make it easier to slide through.
12.Yonder, for example, is Cathedral Peak, some three miles away, with a scattered growth of this pine creeping like mosses over the roof and around the beveled edges of the north gable, nowhere giving any hint of an ascending axis.