1.So bon voyage. I, well, I would say bon voyage is a level 2.
接下来说 bon voyage。我,嗯,我会说 bon voyage 是 2 级。
2." We gave up on our dreams and we settled, right, Bon" ?
" 我们放弃了梦想,然后安定下来了,对吗,邦?"
3." Bon voyage, flatfoot! " said the weasel with a chuckle, riding the train away.
4.But behind the facade of bon ami, there's a power struggle going on.
5.You've probably heard it at Starbucks or Au bon Pain eight zillion times. Right?
你可能在星巴克或是美味面包屋都会听到多了去了 是不是?
6." Bon voyage, Stuart, " hollered his friend, " take care of yourself and bring the Wasp home safe."
7.Sahtein. -And what is that? Bon appetite.
-Sahtein。 -是什么?吃好喝好。机翻
8." In that case, I wish him 'bon voyage'."
9.This is Julia Child, bon appetit!
- 这是 Julia Child,祝你胃口好!机翻
10.Leah smiled, and even Sophie bid me " bon soir" with glee.
11.You were a star in bon temps.
在Bon Temps你是个大明星。
12.That " Bon voyage" Is french for " Happy anniversary" ?
13.A famous bon motasserts opinions are like assholes in that everyone has one.
一个著名的邦莫特斯观点就像混蛋, 因为每个人都有一个。机翻
14.He has become a bon vivant, a gourmand: with him now there is nothing like the joys of the table.
15.But you know, he's a little cranky when he wakes up so bon appetit!
16.And, of course, we say a bon voyage to the shop, which in...
当然了 我们也要对小店说一句一路顺风。
17.Come on, you two. come on out here and wish me a bon voyage.
你俩 过来啊 过来祝我一路顺风。
18.Let's slip away back to bon temps right now.
我们现在就溜回Bon Temps吧。
19.Maybe it's a bon voyage to Titan three, but he should still be heavily in the game.
20.Seems every person in bon temps is getting arrested, but they don't know what they done.
我差不多要把整个镇的人抓起来了 而他们都不知道自己做了什么。