3.It's a mean of geotechnical investigation, including borehole surveying, costeaning, trenching exploration, test pitting, hole exploration, geophysical exploration and penetration sounding.
4.It is found that the rational located destressing boreholes can induce structural failure of the surrounding rock-mass,consequently the high stress move deeply in the rock-mass,and the stres...
13.All this suggests that copper could be drilled for commercially in the same way that oil is-except that the boreholes involved would be considerably deeper.
14.And that heat is then captured from the dancefloor and transferred to a series of 200-metre-deep boreholes which can be charged like a thermal battery.
15.But if those boreholes take water from an aquifer, or the groundwater from across the border, then international water law certainly could...can be of help.
17.Some men jump the water line, others so-called borehole marshals, legally take charge of water points and demand obedience, cash or sexual favors in exchange for water access.
18.Groundwater has come to the rescue, and for a while it seemed a miraculous solution: drill a borehole, pump the stuff up from below and in due course it will be replaced.
19.Over the years, thanks to Davison's decision to drill boreholes to create a permanent water source and the protection provided by dedicated game wardens and park rangers, the wildlife populations in Hwange grew.
20.The versions of these networked sensors used in Resead are embedded in the collars connecting sections of borehole casings, and communicate with the surface via wires. This makes them easy to deploy and use.