2.In this paper, bromized polystyrene flame retardant was synthesized by electrophilic substitution of waste polystrene with bromine using aluminium ehlorid as catalyst.
3.Using 2-acetyl benzimidazole and sodium bromide as raw material,2-(dibromine acetyl)-benzimidazole hydrobromate was synthesized with the new bromine that displaced by chlorine gas in light.
4.The paper studied the preparation of bromine from basic Magnesium bromide in the production of maltol and ethyl maltol, the synthesis of bromethyl from bromine, sulfur and alcothol.
6.Silver halides are just some atoms of silver bound to atoms of any element known as a halogen, which includes things like bromine, chlorine, and iodine.
7.This makes sense because silver also makes insoluble compounds with bromine and iodine, which are in the same column of the periodic table as chlorine.
8.Much of the interest in perovskites comes because those which combine metal atoms with chlorine, bromine or iodine (members of a group of elements called halogens) are semiconductors.
9.Chlorine levels are down 11.5% since they peaked in 1993, and bromine is at lower levels in the air, dropping 14.5 percent since its 1999 peak, the report said.
10.When a photon hits a crystal of silver bromide on a film strip, for instance, it knocks an electron off a negatively-charged bromide ion to create an atom of bromine.
11.Like we saw last week, uranium undergoes many different types of nuclear decay, so not only does each uranium atom produce isotopes of krypton and bromine, but that process also produces many other isotopes of other elements.