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BBC 听 20146合集

1.We've come looking for stolen burls.


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BBC 听 20146合集

2.More and bigger burls are being taken near former logging towns where the economy has collapsed.


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BBC 听 20146合集

3.People cutting down trees for burl, yeah, that's stupid.


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BBC 听 20146合集

4.Well, this is the tree where that burl came from.


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BBC 听 20146合集

5.So by removing a burl, you are taking away that tree's ability to repopulate, to regenerate.


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BBC 听 20146合集

6.While the theft of burls has been going on for years, recently they become more frequently and more brazen.


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7.Also, I got these burl wood night stands from Rose Uniacke.

另外,我从 Rose Uniacke 那里得到了这些粗木床头柜。机翻

BBC 听 20146合集

8.In front of me is one of the biggest burls to be recovered by the national park service.


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BBC 听 20146合集

9.And we are looking now at the burl cut from that burl that we saw just a few minutes ago.


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BBC 听 20146合集

10.And if there is a burl on a tree, and they don't care whose property it's on, they are gonna get it themselves.


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11.There was a bottle of Vat 69 and glasses on a tray and a copper ice bucket on a low round burl walnut table with a glass top.

托盘上放着一瓶 Vat 69 和玻璃杯,还有一个带玻璃台面的矮圆胡桃木桌上放着一个铜制冰桶。机翻

VOA Special 201912合集

12." You bet it well" . he said. We talked of many things and finally I asked, " Did you ever get a chance to burl Darrell off a log" ?

" 一定会是这样的。" 他说。我们谈了很多事情,最后我问:" 你有没有机会把达雷尔从木头上弄下来?"

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VOA Special 201912合集

13.At first the two men just stood looking at each other waiting for the first move. Suddenly Darrell burled the log three times quickly then jumped up and down to stop it.


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VOA Special 201912合集

14." Cling burl" . my friend said. 12 other men one after the other tried to get Darrell to fall into the water, but none of them could move their feet as fast as he could.

" 要站牢。" 我的朋友说道。另外12个人一个接一个地试图让达雷尔掉进水里,但没有人能像他那样快速地移动双脚。

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