And nutritional deficiencies, like if you're not getting enough iron or vitamin b12, can thin the cell layers lining your mouth leading to more canker sores.
And prescription medications with a steroid called Fluocinonide can make the canker sore heal faster and interact with your immune system to bring down swelling.
And then there are the unlucky folks who have recurrent aphthous stomatitis or RAS, which basically means that they have extra painful canker sores that keep reappearing.
Studies have shown that when people are especially stressed, they tend to get more canker sores, possibly because the hormones your body releases when you're stressed can trigger inflammation.
But there are some things you can do to try to prevent canker sores in the first place, and there are ways to make them hurt less and maybe even heal faster.
You can also rinse your mouth with some diluted hydrogen peroxide, which will burn like the sun, but will kill off bacteria that might infect the canker sore and make it stick around longer.
It cankered his heart to think he was confronted by the closest instance of a worse state of things than any he had assumed in the pleasant social philosophy and satire of his essays.
It was an excellent divine gift, that gave a deeper pathos to the need, the sin, the sorrow with which it was mingled, as the canker in a lily-white bud is more grievous to behold than in a common pot-herb.