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NPR音讯 2023年2月合集

1.Then there are these 19 white tents at the top of the hill where the bodies are ceremonially washed.


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2.Police officials on horses ride down Bourbon Street to ceremonially clear the street, marking the end of the Mardi Gras season.

警察官员沿着波旁街(Bourbon Street)骑马前行,形式清理街道,标志狂欢节结束。


3.[29]Any dainties to be offered ceremonially should be made by the lady of the house herself. [Trans.


05 Deuteronomy 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

4.Eat them as you would gazelle or deer. Both the ceremonially unclean and the clean may eat.


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04 Numbers 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

5.All the land's firstfruits that they bring to the Lord will be yours. Everyone in your household who is ceremonially clean may eat it.


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6.The first fire is ceremonially lit, an interesting way to bless a wooden tree house, but health and safety regulations have yet to reach these parts.


09 1 Samuel 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

7.Saul said nothing that day, for he thought, " Something must have happened to David to make him ceremonially unclean—surely he is unclean" .


「09 1 Samuel 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV」评价该例句:好评差评指正
26 Ezekiel 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

8.In you are those who dishonor their father's bed; in you are those who violate women during their period, when they are ceremonially unclean.


「26 Ezekiel 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV」评价该例句:好评差评指正
03 Leviticus 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

9.Then he is to take off these clothes and put on others, and carry the ashes outside the camp to a place that is ceremonially clean.


「03 Leviticus 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV」评价该例句:好评差评指正
05 Deuteronomy 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

10.You are to eat it in your own towns. Both the ceremonially unclean and the clean may eat it, as if it were gazelle or deer.


「05 Deuteronomy 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV」评价该例句:好评差评指正
44 Acts 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

11.I was ceremonially clean when they found me in the temple courts doing this. There was no crowd with me, nor was I involved in any disturbance.


「44 Acts 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV」评价该例句:好评差评指正

12.Traditional Hindus ceremonially burn the body, and Zoroastrians, followers of one of the oldest monotheistic religions, traditionally place bodies atop a tower to expose them to the Sun and scavenging birds.


15 Ezra 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

13.The priests and Levites had purified themselves and were all ceremonially clean. The Levites slaughtered the Passover lamb for all the exiles, for their relatives the priests and for themselves.


「15 Ezra 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV」评价该例句:好评差评指正
04 Numbers 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

14.Even if their own father or mother or brother or sister dies, they must not make themselves ceremonially unclean on account of them, because the symbol of their dedication to God is on their head.

他的父母或是弟兄姐妹死了的时候,他不可因他们使自己不洁净,因为那离俗归 神的凭据是在他头上。

「04 Numbers 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV」评价该例句:好评差评指正
14 2 Chroicles 配乐圣经剧场版-NIV

15.Since many in the crowd had not consecrated themselves, the Levites had to kill the Passover lambs for all those who were not ceremonially clean and could not consecrate their lambs [ Or consecrate themselves ] to the Lord.


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