16.He was replaced by Vice President Teddy Roosevelt, a headstrong populist, and avid Trust-Buster who had a much less chummy relationship with America's biggest banker.
17." Ove? " she bursts out again, in that exaggerated chummy way of people who want to sell you something, while pretending it's the very last thing on their mind.
18.Thanks, man, I appreciate that. - But, yeah, like, you can see the lived-in... It didn't feel like chummy, it felt very lived-in. - We have, we both have good finales.
19.What they found was that during the rainy season, when food is plentiful and the chimps are more chummy, the apes harbor an increased number of different bacterial species in their bellies—more microbiodiversity, if you will.
20.Next to Ozma she was loved better than anyone in all Oz, for Dorothy was simple and sweet, seldom became angry and had such a friendly, chummy way that she made friends where-ever she wandered.