1.And some protective behaviors-such as condom use-increased, particularly among circumcised men.
2.25 and his son Ishmael was thirteen years old when the flesh of his foreskin was circumcised.
25 他的儿子,依市玛耳受割损时,是十三岁。
3.Yes, um, can you tell me who I would talk to about having my baby circumcised?
4.4 When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God had commanded.
4 生後八天,亚巴郎照天主所吩咐的给自己的儿子依撒格行割损。
5.Researchers then monitored the participants. Westercamp said fears of increased risky sexual behavior among circumcised men were unfounded.
6.We dropped off the dry cleaning, we deposited money into our Christmas account, and then we got circumcised.
7.You're Catholic, I'm Jewish. What religion do we raise itAnd if it's a boy, do we get him circumcised?
8.The Jewish Torah, however, is inconveniently specific: God told Abraham to circumcise his heirs on the eighth day.
9.Can you swim, and are you circumcised?
你会游泳吗 受过割礼吗?
10.My new girlfriend, never been with a guy who wasn't circumcised, so she freaked.
- 我的新女友,从来没有和一个没有割过包皮的男人在一起,所以她吓坏。机翻
11.On the eighth day the boy is to be circumcised.
12.25 His son Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised.
25 他儿子以实玛利受割礼的时候年十三岁。
13.24 Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised.
24 亚伯拉罕受割礼的时候年九十九岁。
14.And if it's a boy, do we get him circumcised?
如果生男孩 应该让他行割礼吗?
15.The research surveyed 1,600 men who had been circumcised, and 1,600 who chose to not have the procedure.
该研究调查 1, 600 名接受过割礼的男性和 1, 600 名选择不接受手术的男性。机翻
16.And after the whole nation had been circumcised, they remained where they were in camp until they were healed.
17.10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you that you must keep: every male among you shall be circumcised.
10 这就是你们应遵守的,在我你们以及你的後裔之间所立的约:你们中所有的男子都应受割损。
18.At that time the Lord said to Joshua, " Make flint knives and circumcise the Israelites again" .
那时,耶和华吩咐约书亚说:" 你制造火石刀,二次给以色列人行割礼。"
19.Laserian Katau worked as a female circumciser for more than 20 years. She says she circumcised about 200 girls.
Laserian Katau 从事女性包皮环切术 20 多年。她说她给大约 200 名女孩做过割礼。机翻
20.When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God commanded him.