1.From the point of view of the informativeness and textual cohesiveness of preposed theme, the stronger its informativeness, the weaker its cohesiveness, and vice versa.
5.Then, we compared the perspectives of Structural Functionalists and Social Conflict Theorists on whether religion improves social cohesiveness or increases social stratification.
7.Because of work with narcissistic patients, the importance of the cohesiveness of the self and self-esteem in motivating human development has become clearer.
8.The firm is using its immense influence and resources to construct in a sustainable way that promotes cohesiveness and in some cases even grows communities.
9.Votes for entry into a mess had to be unanimous, this would build a strong camaraderie between the members of that mess and ensure cohesiveness in battle.
10.From this vantage point, drives and oedipal conflicts are seen as secondary to the absence or loss of normal selfobject ties and to vulnerabilities in the cohesiveness of the self.