'Bike' is a colloquialism.
Now, because I spent a lot of time at the 4 Cats, which was the gathering spot at the turn of the century for the experimental artists and writers and intellectuals of Barcelona, in Catalan, 4 Cats is a colloquialism for just a few people.
现在,因为我在“四只猫” 呆了很多时间,那是世纪之交巴塞罗那实验艺术家、作家和知识分子的聚集地,在加泰罗尼亚语中, “四只猫” 只是少数人的口语。
Our colloquialisms reveal a great deal : once you are old you are " fading fast " , " over the hill " , " out to pasture" , " down the drain" , " finished " , " out of date" an " old crock" , " fogy" , " geeze" , " biddy" .
你一旦老了,便" 很快枯萎" ," 走下坡路" ," 靠边站" ," 徒劳 无功" ," 完蛋了" ," 过时了" ,是个" 老废物" ," 老古板" ," 怪老头儿" 或" 长舌婆。