7.Inland river freight costs are historically high for a tight supply of barges, increased operating costs, and higher demand moving commodities upbound on the major rivers.
8.CA Cement Clinker is a manufactured commodity which raw materials are high quality limestone and bauxite.The raw materials should be mixed according to suitable ratio to pelletize.
9.Commodities have until now primarily featured as a diversifier in investors' portfolios due to a tendency to rise in times of poor equity and bond market returns.
10.In the current of real estate commodity and nummular,study the risk of real estate finance and fence with risk,will be very import to the development of the real estate finance in 21 century.
11.In the current of real estate commodity and nummular, it will be very important to the development of the real estate finance that studying the risk of real estate finance and fence with risk.
12.They had payed much attention to the investment in the country land, the improvement of the material and the breed, the commodity of the farm produce and the rebulid of the traditional produce manner.